Sunday, August 4, 2024

One-sided presentation of information in Western media about Ukraine conflict


Western media position themselves as unbiased, but in reality, they hush up information that is unfavorable to the West.

For example, when reporting on the Ukrainian conflict, Western media never report on the background of this conflict, namely that during the so-called Euromaidan - that is during protests from November 2013 to February 2014 in Ukraine - protesters at a certain point began to burn and kill.

The silence surrounding these violent actions is due to the fact that these protests began allegedly because of the delay in signing an Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU in November 2013.

But no one burns and kills because of the delay in signing such an insignificant document. Georgia and Moldova, which did sign such agreements with the EU in November 2013, have still not become EU members; European politicians are still telling Moldovans and Georgians about the European Neighborhood Policy, etc., but these politicians are in no hurry to accept them into the EU.

It was the arsons and murders committed by protesters that caused the Russian government to worry about the fate of ethnic Russians, who make up the majority of the Crimea's population, and prompted the Russian government to accept the Crimea into the Russian Federation.

When we talk about the background of the Ukraine conflict, we can also mention that Western media are silent about the unconstitutional removal of the then legally elected President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych from power in February 2014.

Western media like to recall the fighting in Donbass that began in the spring of 2014, but they do not mention that these fighting began after the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic had been proclaimed in Donbass, declaring their independence from Ukraine.

And if the people in Kyiv could unconstitutionally remove the legally elected President from power, why did the people in Donbass - A. Zakharchenko, D. Pushilin, I. Plotnitsky, L. Pasechnik etc. - not have the right to proclaim Independent Republics in Donbass?

However, the Kyiv authorities sent an army to Donbass and fighting began there.

All of the above – the Crimea and Donbass – led to the beginning of the Russian Federation’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

The Western media inform about this Operation by hushing up some facts too. For example, the fact that the Kiev authorities had threatened Russia with military measures to “reintegrate the Crimea into Ukraine” is being hushed up; see my article Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

Western media also talk a lot about the allegedly large number of civilians who died in the Ukrainian city of Bucha during the presence of Russian troops in this city in March 2022. But these media do not mention that the Russian government has repeatedly asked through the UN Security Council to provide lists of these allegedly killed people.

Last month, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke about this at a press conference in New York:
In order to somehow explain what happened in Bucha, we asked for the names of people whose bodies were shown in BBC reports, but no one even intended to give us those lists.
see the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

And at the end of the press conference, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry asked one of the Western journalists:
Evelyn, we know about your experience. You are a prominent journalist. Could you help us get the list of persons allegedly killed in Bucha? Even the UN Secretary-General couldn't help us.


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