Friday, August 9, 2024

Why have Ukrainian military leaders not even been mentioning their “offensive in the Kursk region” for all these days?

Currently, blogs, forums, Western media, etc. are filled with information about an alleged offensive of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation.
Some videos, some maps, etc. are published, which may make a certain impression on inexperienced readers.

But when we read the official website of the Ukrainian governmental information agency, we can see that Ukrainian military leaders have not even been mentioning their “offensive in the Kursk region” for all these days. This governmental agency quotes only some Western politicians, some civilians, etc.

But two years ago, the General Staff of Ukraine published rules for informing about military actions (see the screenshot above):
Only the Leadership of the Armed Forces is authorized to provide information on the progress of military operations.
The main rule is that reports on military operations, their progress, consequences and results are made by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

I think that this stupid situation can be explained only by the fact that the Ukrainian army cannot report the capture of any Kursk villages etc.
Because such false information can be refuted without difficulty - for example, photos of the respective village council with the Russian flag above it etc. will be published right away.

But it is quite easy to throw such disinformation into blogs, forums, Ukrainian non-governmental media, and etc. and quite easy to say - there is freedom of speech and the Ukrainian authorities are not responsible for what someone alleges in the non-governmental information sector, what fake videos and photos he/she posts there, etc.

However, there cannot be any successful offensive that the military leadership of the country, that is allegedly advancing, keeps silent about.

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