Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Why have Ukrainian activists no interest at all in “victims from Bucha”?

At first some other information.

On the night of April 28, 2023, a missile fell on a high-rise building in the Ukrainian city of Uman. Some Russian media say that this missile has been launched by Ukrainian Air Defense but this material does not deal with the question, who has shot this missile.

After this missile had struck the building, Ukrainian authorities declared that 23 civilians were allegedly killed by it. The day before yesterday in the morning, i.e. only 3 days later, names of 22 - i.e. 95% - of the victims were already published, even with pictures.

The list of these victims had allegedly been prepared by an activist (see here) who could identify 7 persons per day - 22 identified persons divided by 3 days.

Events in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, which took place at the beginning of April 2022, had much more public outcry - the Ukrainian authorities declared that approximately 400 civilians were allegedly murdered then. 

However, since the first reports about these “victims of Bucha” 397 days passed, but nevertheless the Ukrainian authorities have not published any list of “victims from Bucha” so far.

And Ukrainian activists have no interest at all in “victims from Bucha” too, although they would have been able - with the rate of identification 7 persons per day - to identify all 400 “victims” within only 57 days.

The only explanation for no Ukrainian activists’ interest in this matter is - in my opinion - a prohibition of the Ukrainian authorities for activists to collect information about “victims from Bucha”.

And this fact is for me an evidence that there were no victims among civilians in Bucha.

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