Therefore, it is important to answer the question – Is the present Ukraine a Nazi state?
The main feature of Nazism is division of people according to their ethnic origin into categories which have different rights.
A classic example of a Nazi state was the Hitler's Germany where Germans had all rights, Slavic minorities – Poles etc. – had less rights than Germans, and Jews had less rights than Slavs.
Therefore, at that time the German society had the form of a pyramid where some ethnic groups were placed higher and some other lower.
Many aspects of life were regulated according to this pyramid, inter alia, Jews had no right to marry Germans; many professions could be practices only by Germans, etc.
The present Ukraine
According to the Constitution of Ukraine, all Ukrainian citizens irrespective of their ethnic origin have equal rights.
But is it really so?
Let’s analyze, for example, the Ukrainian Law on Indigenous Peoples and Law on Secondary Education.
These laws provide that only Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and two other small Crimean Turkic peoples have the right to be taught in Ukraine with use of their native languages in all grades of state secondary school.
Ethnic Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians have the right to be taught in Ukraine with use of their native languages in elementary school, but after the fourth grade they must be taught with use of the Ukrainian language during at least 20% of annual school hours in middle school. The percentage of use of the Ukrainian language gradually increases for such children in the following grades and reaches 60% of annual school hours in high school.
As for ethnic Russians, the education for their children in Ukraine can be provided in elementary school with use of the Russian language together with learning of the Ukrainian language, but after the fourth grade they must be taught with use of the Ukrainian language during at least 80% of annual school hours.
Therefore, we see in the domain of education in Ukraine the same pyramid when citizens are divided into categories which we saw in the Nazi Germany.
And such curtailment of rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine has taken place gradually - with apologies, regrets etc. – but systematically.
For example, after the “Victory of Euromaidan” in 2014 – although Euromaidan had originally been declared as people's insurrection against the “corrupt regime of Yanukovych” – the Ukrainian Parliament at the same day repealed the Law on Regional Languages.
Three months later, the first “post-revolutionary” Ukrainian President Poroshenko in his interview for Le Figaro called this decision of the Parliament a mistake (see here), but later this law was finally repealed.
Over the last 8 years the Ukrainian rulers failed to prove that the “corrupt regime of Yanukovych” had stolen one single dollar (see here) but they did very much for curtailment of rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
Therefore, I am sure that they planned to do much more for such curtailment.
And please answer the question – Aren't the above-mentioned Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?
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