Friday, June 14, 2024

Will they talk about Euromaidan at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine?


This weekend, a Summit on Peace in Ukraine will be held in Switzerland. The summit will be attended by prominent Western politicians - French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau etc.

In my opinion, one of the most important questions at this Summit should be the question: Why is there no peace now in Ukraine?

Western politicians and Western media always designate the spring of 2014 as the time point for the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis. However, this crisis started already in 2013.

In November 2013, a protest movement - the so-called Euromaidan - began in Ukraine after the then Ukrainian President Yanukovych postponed the signing of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. These protests were - in my opinion - a completely unnatural phenomenon, since there were only 15 months until the end of Yanukovych’s term of office and Ukrainians could have legally elected another President in March 2015, who would have signed this agreement more quickly.

From the very beginning, these protests were illegal, because the protesters - despite a court ban - occupied the main square in Kyiv, setting up their tents on this square. And at some point the Maidanists also began to burn and kill.
But - in my opinion - no one would burn and kill for the sake of such a trifle as a faster signing of some kind of agreement.

At the same time, Western politicians - for a completely unknown reason - actively supported this strange demand for a faster signing of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine; see my article 10 years of Ukrainian coup d'état. Did the West provoke it?

As a second pretext for unleashing a conflict in Ukraine in 2013, it was announced that Ukraine had a large-scale corruption under the then President Yanukovych. Even Barack Obama personally called him a “corrupt ruler” later.

However, during 10 years which passed since Yanukovych had been removed from office in February 2014, Ukrainian authorities failed to prove that Yanukovych had stolen even a cent.

But nobody in Ukraine was ever outraged by this fact; for example, in 2017 Ukrainians were outraged by a cruel treatment of a horse which drove a tourists' carriage in Odessa; see here.
By the way, information about Yanukovych was also removed from the Interpol data base and you can see it yourself on the official website of Interpol.

Therefore, the arsons and murders committed by Maidanists during Euromaidan were completely inexplicable. And the West's support for such a strange protest phenomenon as Euromaidan was totally inexplicable too.

In my opinion, to establish peace in Ukraine it would be necessary to trace the entire chain of events that led to the fact that Ukraine ceased to be a peaceful country. Among other things, the issue of Crimea is important; and in this regard see my article Was there a threat for ethnic Russians in February 2014 in Ukraine (Crimean question)?

But, in my opinion, the question about the reasons for the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis will not be considered at the Summit in Switzerland, because it is precisely those countries, that provoked the Ukrainian coup d'état in February 2014, will now play the main role at this Summit.

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