Western media and politicians tell very much about mass media in Russia where – in Western opinion – mass media and journalists are allegedly persecuted. But the Western media and politicians tell very little about Ukrainian mass media and journalists.
Therefore, in this article I am going to offer some
information about situation in Ukraine in this sphere.
In June 2023, the Ukrainian
Council for Broadcasting – after a decision of the National Security and
Defense Council of Ukraine - revoked licenses of seven Ukrainian opposition television companies
- Nash
- Maksі-TV
- Newsone
- 112 Ukraїna
- Ukrlive
- Pershii Nezalezhnii
please see the
official website
of this Council.
In 2021 the
broadcasting of the above-mentioned television companies had been suspended and
now they are fully closed.
Every state including Russia and Ukraine has the right to control activities of mass media on its territory. However, in Ukraine the authorities allow the so-called activists to attack opposition mass media without any punishment.

In the summer of
2016, a Ukrainian website accused the Ukrainian TV company Inter of cooperation
with separatists. Till November 2016, the building, where this TV company is
situated, was three times attacked by “activists” and its rooms were set on
fire - fortunately, nobody died in these arsons. However, the material
damage was great.
After one of these
arsons, an Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton
Gerashchenko wrote in Facebook that one shouldn`t rule out that Inter managers themselves
had provoked the arson of their rooms; please see here.
So far, no
culprits of these arsons have been found; and by the way, so far, Ukrainian
authorities haven’t published any confirmation that Inter had really cooperated
with separatists. i.e. no criminal proceedings have been started because of
these allegations.
Journalists in Ukraine
are not only intimidated, but killed too.
In April 2015, the
opposition journalist and writer Oles Buzina was shot dead by two gunshots near his house in the Ukrainian
capital Kiev. Some days before this murder, Oles Buzina’s name and home address
had been published by the Ukrainian website
Myrotvorets (please see here)
which coordinates activities of Ukrainian nationalists by publishing lists of
so-called “enemies of Ukraine” and their personal information.
And the
above-mentioned Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton
Gerashchenko is suspected of promoting this website Myrotvorets; please see here.
By the way, after Oles
Buzina’s murder, Anton Gerashchenko declared that he did not rule out that Buzina’s
murder had been planned and organized by a Russian secret service; please see here. However, so far, no culprits of this murder too have been found. Several suspects of this
crime had been arrested but later released by Ukrainian authorities.
But authorities of
a country must not tell about versions of crimes – these authorities must
investigate the crimes and punish culprits.
However, the Western
media and politicians are not interested in the above-mentioned cases at all.
The Western media and
politicians are much more interested in the situation with respect to mass
media in Russia.
For example, after
Magomed Yevloyev, a journalist and the owner of the news website Ingushetiya.ru
had been shot dead in the Russian region of Ingushetia in 2008, he was
especially mentioned as a victim of a “tragic and unresolved murder” in an U.S.
Congress Act which was passed in 2012; please see here. Although the person, who had accidentally shot him - another Yevloyev (Ibragim Yevloyev) - had already been convicted for manslaughter in 2009.
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